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ages K-5

pier 252

A Worship experience for children in grades K – 5 which equips kids with basic truths. When a child transitions into middle school, we want that child to have experienced and own three basic truths modeled by Jesus in Luke 2:52 (light bulb moment—now you know what the 252 means):​


  • I need to make the wise choice.​

  • I can trust God no matter what.

  • I should treat others the way I want to be treated.


Children start their worship hour with Power Up. Here, we seek to engage children’s hearts in a Large Group setting through interactive worship, prayer, and an innovative re-telling of today’s Bible story.  Next children have an opportunity to make the connection of how today’s Bible story applies to real life experiences through interactive activities and discussion questions.



treasure bay

First impressions are important. Treasure Bay Preschool uses curriculum designed to give preschool children a first impression of their loving, heavenly Father.


The curriculum keeps it simple and fun, repeating one basic truth about God all month long.


The activities tickle all the senses making mastering the concepts a blast. Crazy fun activities from crafts to Bible time; it’s all part of the plan to help a child understand three key things by the time he’s five years old:


  • God made me.

  • God loves me.

  • Jesus wants to be my friend forever


infants and toddlers

lily pad nursery

Lily Pad Nursery provides infants and toddlers with a safe, secure, and loving environment where they can experience the love of God while parents worship or participate in other activities or events.


From birth, children are taught that God loves them, God made them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever. 


Children are taught through the loving care of our nursery workers as well as through playtime activities that reinforce these three basic truths.


  • God made me.

  • God loves me.

  • Jesus wants to be my friend forever


Student ministry

student ministry
Wednesdays 6-7_30 pm (1).jpg

6th-12th Grade


A time for everyone from 6th-12th grade dedicated to fun through games and activities, as well as concrete and applicable lessons that are focused on the challenges facing pre-teens and teens today.


It is called “Engage” because we believe that we were made specifically to be engaging people.  We were created to “engage” with God through worship and reading of the Bible, we were created to “engage” with people through fellowship, fun, and laughter, and we were created to “engage” with culture through understanding who God is and who we were created to be!


Each week we hang out and enjoy fellowship with one another and then spend time searching God’s Word so that we may be better equipped to live the life God has called each of us to!


When: Wednesdays 6:00-7:30pm


Where: Student Center in the white house right next to the main building of wapaknaz.


Scripture Themes: 

  • John 15:5-8 (Engage with God)

  • 1 Peter 2:9-12 (Engage with People)

  • Matthew 5:13-16 (Engage with Culture)


6th-12th Grade

annual events

We love to have fun with our teens at wapaknaz. Throughout the year, wapaknaz Student Ministry participates in several different activities like:


  • Summer camp

  • Later-Nighters

  • Fall Retreat

  • Service opportunities

  • Mission trips

  • Parties! 


You can always find the latest details on our Facebook page!


Adult ministry

adult ministry

the trek

The Trek is an 8-week exploration of the basics of Christianity and faith in Jesus Christ. This study is simply designed to be done one on one or two for one hour a week for 8 weeks scheduled at your convenience. 


Whether you are far from Christ, curious about Christ, new to Christ or even new to wapaknaz, this simple study is for you.


If you are interested in this 8 week exploration and taking The Trek with someone here, please fill out a Connection Card and mark “The Trek” and drop the card in the offering plate or the Joy Box at one of the sanctuary exits or on our home page.

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digging deeper

Desiring to understand God’s Word, His truths and how they apply to everyday life?  Desiring opportunity to connect with others, to give and receive support? 


Digging Deeper – Because knowing God is more than Sunday Morning!

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LIFE groups

Wanting to know who Jesus really is? 

Looking to grow closer with God? 

Wanting to understand Scripture and how to apply it to life? 

Desiring Christian community? 


wapaknaz LIFE groups engage you in Scripture so the Living Word lives through you. 


Leverage LIFE groups to grow in Christ, connect with Christian community or even explore who Jesus is. 


Contact us to find out about how to get involved in one of our life groups!


See below for more details.

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LIFE groups

about LIFE groups

Even at its birth, the early Church took Jesus’ model seriously. In Acts 2:42, disciples “devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching, and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.” They sold their possessions and gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued meeting together in the temple courts and fellowshipped in each other’s homes. Scripture, Prayer and Fellowship.


In turn, the early Church was challenged to apply Scripture into their lives and grow together. As a result of disciples making disciples, Jesus built His Church as He said He would.  


Leverage LIFE Groups to grow your relationship with Christ, to connect with Christian Community, or even to explore who Jesus is.  wapaknaz believes “We is better than me”. 


LIFE group essentials:


There are a few essentials for a garden to grow and produce: Soil, Sunlight, Water and a Season’s Worth of Time. Making disciples of Jesus Christ requires some essentials.


    • Scripture

      • We are sanctified by the Truth as the Holy Spirit works deep within as a result of Scripture.

      • We seek God’s voice and message through Scripture rather than our personal interpretation.

    • Prayer

      • Prayer is our essential lifeline to Jesus. This crucial connection syncs God’s people with the pulse and rhythms of the King and His Kingdom.

      • Group prayer, personal prayer, prayer requests, silence, directed prayer etc.

    • Flexibility in Following the Holy Spirit

      • It is necessary Cultivators and LIFE groups are sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading and flexible in following His leading

    • Challenge/Life Application

      • Without Challenge and Life Application, there is no growth.

      • Gaining understanding of Scripture and God are important, but knowing God and becoming like God are far more important.

    • Missional Challenge

      • Not required of the LIFE Group, but it is encouraged to be involved with a wapaknaz Backyard Nation outreach as a LIFE Group

    • Fellowship

      • A LIFE group is a community of brothers and sisters doing life together.

      • Because We is better than Me, connecting with one another is essential.

      • Food is not an Essential, but Breaking Bread is a great option.



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